Saturday, January 23, 2010

week #2

Week 2 of this challenge begins tomorrow.  Last week wasn't my best.  I worked out every day which was great, but nutrition ... not great ... not terrible, but I need to be a LOT more diligent.

My naturopath is supposed to swing by tomorrow night ... we'll see if he actually makes it.  If not, that's ok.

One thing that seemed to work for me was preparing a meal plan for the entire week ahead of time, which I'll do either tonight or tomorrow morning.  It's so much better when you know what food you need to get and what you're going to eat the following day.

I would encourage those of you who are trying to eat healthy, exercise, get into getter shape, that you do your best.  And if you falter, accept the fact that you are human, and endeavour to do better.   The fact that you are trying, that you are working on improving yourself is a step in the right direction.  So keep up the good work, and together we'll achieve our goals ...

Good night.

1 comment:

  1. The past week's meal plan worked out well. Here's my dream meal plan:

    Monday- latte
    Tuesday- latte
    Wednesday- latte
    Thursday- latte
    Friday- latte
    Saturday- two lattes
    Sunday- two lattes

    Just gotta figger a way to make them calorie-free. Hmmm.....maybe use soy, kelp and tofu.

    Nom,nom,nom! :)

