Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A step in the right direction ...

Today was my first day on my journey to get coffee out of my life...except espresso and latte that is.

It was unbelievably cold in the office this morning.  I started off with a lemon tea and honey, then had a green tea with honey and another lemon tea.

I did break down after lunch and had a small coffee.  and then I felt like crap.  which is good.  tomorrow i'll make an even better effort at ridding myself of coffee.  I know it can be done ... I just have to put my mind to it.

Thanks Jennifer for your suggestion to transition rather than cold turkey.  I'm sure Barry and my co-workers will appreciate that suggestion. LOL

Have a great night.


  1. I'm proud of you, Sandy. Caffeine is SO not good for you, and you'll feel great when you kick it.

    I never drank coffee, but I used to drink soda and I'm telling ya, I felt so much clearer, brighter and conscious after I stopped. My brain was in a caffeine/sugar fog.

  2. Good luck Sandy. I should probably cut down on coffee as well. At least I don't hit Timmie's so often anymore, I brew mine at home.
