Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary ..... to us!

It's so hard to believe that at this time 13 years ago, we were giving our speeches, throwing the bouquet and garter and having a great evening.  I was hoping to be able to scan our fav pic from the wedding but unfortunately my printer doesn't scan (it faxes, but it doesn't scan) and Barry's not sure how to scan on his so I'm taking it to work (I've got to show some of the girls anyway), scanning it and emailing it to myself so I'll post that tomorrow.

I don't have much time to write tongiht, just wanted to share our happy day with you.  It was a 7 p.m. wedding and the reception was at my parents house (our current house ... looked a little different then inside and out).  We were on a very tight budget (we thought we had an extra year, but our pastor wasn't comfortable with waiting a year since we were already "living in sin".  I went to high school with him.  Obviously we ran in different crowds...  But it was a great ceremony ... definitely a little different ... with lots of loved ones and the weather was great, but it was a little cool.  Very similar to tonight actually.  We expected to have everyone outside but because it was so cool, 85 people piled into my parents' house.  It was cozy, but we did it.

Unfortunately we had to work today but we went for a bite for dinner (nothing fancy but the food was great, and hot, we came home and went for a walk which we haven't done in far too long but I was so stuffed from dinner I couldn't walk too fast.  Oh well.

Barry, being Barry, bought me a beautiful card and me, well, being me, missed that opportunity.  So allow me to share with you (and I know he reads my blog so I know he'll read this even tho' it won't be news to him) what's so special about this man.

For one thing, he's put up with me for 13 years married but Aug. 2nd will be 18 years together.   Almost 2 decades.  For that, he deserves a medal.  We've rarely raised our voices, only a handful of times that I remember.  We've never thrown anything at each other.  We don't call each other names or degrade each other.  So many people think we've only been together for a couple of years. I guess because we talk highly of each other and we kinda act like newlyweds (I'm not exactly sure what that means, but whatever).  We thank each other for doing things that most people probably don't.  Like doing the dishes (B) or making latte (that's my job).  He's kind and considerate and loving and never puts me down.  We're silly together most of the time when serious when need be.  We've been through so much together but instead of anything driving us apart, the hard times make us closer.  Which is how it should be in my opinion.

For those in relationships, don't forget to be best friends and treat each other with respect.  For those who are not in relationship, look for those qualities in a mate.   Don't settle.  Life is far too short, too hard and too rewarding when you're with the right person.  I kissed a LOT of frogs before I met my prince, and he was totally worth the wait.

I could go on and on but I have a fruit salad to make before I go to bed, so I will bid you all adieu and wish you a wonderful day tomorrow.


  1. AW, CONGRAGULATIONS! I know it is hard to make a marriage work but it seems like you two found the perfect bablance! :) Here is to many many more years of happiness and love :)!!

  2. Honey, this was beautiful. I'm a very lucky man indeed.

    I love you.


  3. Congratulations! This is a very encouraging post. In the disposable society we have become (it appears at times that people also treat others as such)- that respect, love, and through thick and thin still exists!! Wishing you many more happy years ahead !!!! HHL

  4. I'm from barrys blog! we've been talking a lot and he is such a great guy and talks a lot about you guys! happy anni. This is just great!!!

  5. Congratulations, Sandy. Your post is proof that true love really does exist in this world. Sometimes that can be hard to believe for a lot of women.

    You and Barry are absolutely adorable together and it always makes my heart melt when he writes about you (in blogs or e-mails). You're a lucky lady and he's a VERY lucky man!

    Not a lot of women find a best friend, soul mate, and lover all in one. ;)

  6. This is a very lovely tribute to your hubby =) Thank you for sharing with us about your special day. I think it is encouraging to hear about happy relationships =)

  7. Lovely post, darling!
    Happy Anniversary!


  8. Wow, congrats to the both of you!!!
    You are an inspiring couple for sure. Everything you described is what I'd want in a marriage.
