Friday, September 4, 2009

Labour Day Weekend has arrived!

I don't know where this summer went. Personally, I have loved the temperatures during most of this summer. The rain did get to me though. But certainly can't complain about that now! So I'll be weeding, cutting back dead growth, weeding, walking, weeding, replacing plants, weeding, etc. etc.

We've got a party at our neighbours. And my girl (J) is turning the big 3-0 this Sunday. Woo hoo. So we're going over to her place on Monday. So it'll be a reasonably good balance between working, socializing and chilling on the deck with a cold beverage.....

We have a great evening last night with friends. We went to Tucker's Marketplace in Burlington. OMG! I couldn't believe the SIZE of a LOT of people there. They made me feel thin! NOT an easy feat.

I'm a firm believer that the food and restaurant industry has to take the lead and start cutting back on portion sizes, abolishing buffets (which just encourage people to gorge themselves) because people can't seem to take responsibility for themselves. I don't mean to sound judgement 'cause that's not what I mean. I understand the irony given my size. But I've learned the error of my ways. I have a different perspective now. I don't enjoy eating a lot at one time. I don't enjoy eating a lot of junk. I actually bought a large bag of Smart Food for B and I to share. I used to eat a whole bag myself.

I may be rambling (like THAT never happens), probably because I'm falling sleep. So I will bid you adieu until tomorrow.



  1. Please wish Miss "J" a Happy Birthday for us.

  2. Very true about the buffet observation. I'm not sure where the line has to be drawn between policing the food industry and taking responsibility for ourselves, but I agree we need to watch our food intake.

    Oh, and don't forget to also do some weeding this weekend!

