Friday, December 3, 2010

The greatest compliment I have received ....

I just had someone pay me the nicest compliment I've probably ever received.

A lady I've known for a number of years from the morning GO train platform said she's noticed a brightness and a glow that emanates from me. That could explain a few things.

A friend of me described me as beautiful. I had to check to make sure he had referred to me. He said "don't you think you're beautiful?". For the first time in many years I said yes, I'm finally seeing myself as beautiful. It's been a very long time coming.

 I owe my hairstylist Ray part of the praise cause I think a great hairstyle makes a HUGE difference. Then there's Andrew ... He's my MAC consultant. I recently found out he used to teach makeup application. Explains why he's so amazing. The girls are really good ...he's amazing. He's pushed me out of my rut. He's got me wearing colours I would have NEVER worn before. And then there's Stephanie and Christine at Brava. They've introduced me to some beautiful bras that have pushed my boundaries. Notice a trend? Ladies ... Please please please ... go to a bra boutique and get properly fitted. If your breasts seem to be extremely high and in everyone's face, they're probably in the right place. Bigger girls will likely feel it moreso. So as far as my physical appearance is concerned, you can see it's taken a team. But I opened my mind and allowed them to guide me, I took their advice and implemented their suggestions.

As far as the lightness is concerned, I believe that's due to feeling better about myself. Even though I've had some setbacks over the past couple of years, I keep fighting back. I'm actually honouring self promises. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Am I perfect? That would be a huge "NOT"! But I'm persevering. I made the decision to change and I am. Physically, mentally, emotionally, I'm stronger, more postive, more giving of my time, of my emotions. I'm not afraid to let people in anymore. I used to be so closed off, so unhappy.

I'm not mentioning these things to say "look at how great I am". I'm not like that. This is a direct result of making a commitment to change and sticking with it, no matter what life throws at me.

I just wanted to share what can happen when you keep fighting, no matter what. Just don't give up. Ever.

I hope you know I'll always be your cheerleader cause I know you can accomplish anything you want to.

And a big thank you to Beth for making that comment. She's the one who inspired me to write this post.

BTW ... I've committed to bikini shopping on June 30, 2011.  OMG what have I done????  LOL

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting post! I'm happy to see that you're happy. It seems that when it rains, it pours, in both negative and positive aspects. I'm glad you're being showered with wonderful compliments and positive energy. xoxo
